I've tried to write some gdal python scripts but in some case I've got unwanted error message. Here is a small example (from gdal tutorial).

src_filename  = "src.tif"
dst_filename = "dest.tif"

# ensure no dest file exists
if os.path.exists(dst_filename):

src_ds = gdal.Open( src_filename  )
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
src_ds = gdal.Open( src_filename )
dst_ds = driver.CreateCopy( dst_filename, src_ds, 0, [ 'TILED=YES', 'COMPRESS=PACKBITS' ] )

# Once we're done, close properly the dataset
dst_ds = None
src_ds = None

The src.tif is correctly copied in dest.tif but the console messages are:

#>python test.py
dest.tif: No such file or directory
GTIFF_RAW:dest.tif: No such file or directory

What is wrong with this code or how to eliminate these error messages which aren't useful and may be a bit misleading ?

Best Regards

     .--.    Fabrice LALLAURET - PSV Team
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 "Power corrupts. PowerPoint corrupts absolutely."
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