Fabrice LALLAURET - PSV <fabrice.lallauret <at> external.thalesgroup.com> 

>   Hi all,
> I try to use some gdal tools in a batch file on windows and I've a 
> strange side effect. Here is a little batch use with fwtools 2.4.7.
> @echo off
> echo "Test 1 with file list"
> del listin.txt test1.vrt test2.vrt
> for %%F in (krel*.tif) do @echo %%F>>  listin.txt
> gdalbuildvrt  -input_file_list listin.txt test1.vrt
> echo "Test 2 with direct argument"
> gdalbuildvrt  test2.vrt krel*.tif

> After some investigations,(check my file, gdal debug compilation, try on 
> linux too, ...), I've found that there is a space at the end of each 
> line in my listin.txt. On linux, the same thing produce a clear error :

I tried your batch file and my listin.txt does not have any space 
characters at the end of lines. Are you sure that your script did 
not ever have space in %%F >> ?

dir /b krel*.tif >listin.txt 
gives the same result as
for %%F in (krel*.tif) do @echo %%F>>  listin.txt

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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