Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

  hi !

i want to cut a part of a lage (7gb) tiff-image and use this command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\FWTools2.4.7>gdalwarp -r near -te 2608000 55900100 2613104.5424 5582270.5709 -of GTiff -o F:\wt_3a.tif D:\weissenturm\streifen_3_GK2.tif

but i get following message:
did anybody now anything about this message ??


The problem is the -o switch you use - there is no such switch.
Perhaps you mean to indicate the output file?  The gdalwarp command
normally ends with the input file, then the output file.


gdalwarp <various options> in.tif out.tif

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