Sebastian E. Ovide wrote:

Hi All,

Is there anyway to make gdal read from multiple folders ? something like ogrinfo mydata/* ? where mydata has a lot of subfolders and any of those subfolders have shape files.

(I have some folders with tens of folders with shape files that I need to display with to MapServer. Just wondering if I need to create a script or if there is a shortcut...)


This would have to be something supported by the shapefile driver in this
case, and it supports two configurations.  One where the datasource is a
file (one of .shp or.shx) in which case it provides one layer.  The other
configuration is where a directory is given as the datasource name in
which case it provides one layer per .shx/shp/dbf set in the directory.

There is no mechanism existing now to do what you want short of constructing
a complicated virtual file collecting several directory based shapefile
datasources.   This approach would not be helpful to you, I think.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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