
in my experience it is often enough to keep a ref to the dataset to avoid these segfaults. However, my experience is more with gdal (raster) than with ogr (vector), so ymmv, and some experimenting might be required. Just start with keeping a ds reference, if that doesn't work, go further up the chain and also keep a ref to the layer, and so on.

Vincent Schut.

On 10/26/2010 04:54 PM, Ivan Willig wrote:
Thanks Frank. That seems to be the issue. Whats the rule about this how long you should keep a reference. For example this causes the same issue.


Which I am going to guess is because I should keep a reference to the geometry. Correct?

Ivan Willig

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Frank Warmerdam <warmer...@pobox.com <mailto:warmer...@pobox.com>> wrote:

    Ivan Willig wrote:

        Hi list,
        I am having an issues with using the python swig based
        bindings. I am on Fedora 13 using the default gdal rpm, which
        is at version 1.6.2. My issue is when i stack method calls.
         For example when I do the following:

        I get a Segmentation fault. Here are the results of strace
        http://paste.pocoo.org/show/281682/. What am I doing wrong?
        Should I just hand compile a new version of gdal? Or is this
        not an advised usage of the python bindings? A limitation in
        swig? Thanks for your help.


    I believe the problem is object lifetimes.  Keep a reference to the
    datasource around until you are done with the feature(s).

    ds = ogr.Open("/home/ivan/dev/bigapps/data/nyco.shp")
    feat = ds.GetLayer().GetFeature(0)
    feat = None
    ds = None

    Best regards,
-- ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
    I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
    warmer...@pobox.com <mailto:warmer...@pobox.com>
    light and sound - activate the windows |
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    and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for

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