Dear Team,

I've reviewed the change log for release 8 so far and do not think that this question is version specific.

I'm coding to support an incremental process for loading a large spatial database from a set of distribution objects. I have noted that my present approach results in the OGR_FID column values restarting at 1 for each append. This is clearly an error! However, there does not appear to be a method for initialising the 'nextfidtowrite' value in the API. What is the best strategy to adopt?

So far as I can see, there appear to be two options. One is to read every feature until there are no more to read: I'd rather not do that. The other would involve opening the layer, reading the featurecount and then requesting the featurecount'th feature - featurecount'th + 1 should give an error. Both methods should leave the current feature being the last existing feature, but is this sufficient to effectively initialise the value at which the next FID will start?

Thanks and best wishes,


Peter J Halls, GIS Advisor, University of York
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