Hi Everyone,

Its been a long time ,i have interacted. off late i have tried building gdal
with the xerces support to read/write gml.

I have done using several options as mentioned in
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/1988 but none has helped. Everytime parser
headers have been found but it has failed to detect libraries.

My folder structure for xerces is /local
                                                    include ( xercesc folder
with standard structure)
                                                    lib. and within lib i
have libxerces-c.a , libxerces-c.dll.a , libxerces-c.la.

I am using msys with mingw 3.2 and gcc 4.4 for compilation.

Do I need to change the configure file of gdal or follow different process ?

And I have read document drv_gml.html in /ogr_formats/gml. It is speaking
about gml's support with xerces but was not clear with expat. Is GML reading
and writing supported through Expat also ?

Any advice would be of great help. Thank you.

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