Ah, the joys of multiple platform development.

The first two warnings should be fixable by replacing "-99.0" with "-99.0f".

Your fix for read_imagef() should work fine.

To fix that last error, try changing the image size from "1, 1" to "2, 2" or "4, 4". It shouldn't matter because the image is there only so we have something to pass to the kernel (it's not used in this case). The spec says that the values need to be greater or equal to 1, so it's technically a SDK problem.

On Dec 6, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Even Rouault wrote:

Hi Seth,

I gave a try to Frank's integration of your work with my ATI Radeon HD 5400. I got the ATI SDK 2.2 correctly installed with latest ATI drivers (10-11). The
few OpenCL demos provided with the SDK I tried work on the GPU device.

(Note: "thanks" to the errors bellow, I've made a few cleanups in
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/21205 to improve error reporting and clean-up in case of error. I also added missing initialization of 2 members of
the warper struct)

Then I tried a simple warp and I got the following error :

0ERROR 1: Error: Failed to build program executable!
Build Log:
Warning: invalid option: -cl-fast-relaxed-math

Warning: invalid option: -Werror

/tmp/OCL3QLDj2.cl(193): warning: double-precision constant is represented as
         single-precision constant because double is not enabled
 return (float2)(-99.0, -99.0);

/tmp/OCL3QLDj2.cl(193): warning: double-precision constant is represented as
         single-precision constant because double is not enabled
 return (float2)(-99.0, -99.0);

/tmp/OCL3QLDj2.cl(195): error: bad argument type to opencl image op: expected

1 error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/OCL3QLDj2.cl".

ERROR 1: Error at file gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c line 2228:

Hum, then I looked at similar code in the neighbourhood and I came with the following change that solves the compilation. It is not commited yet, does it
look ok to you ?

Index: alg/gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c
--- alg/gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c (révision 21205)
+++ alg/gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c (copie de travail)
@@ -724,13 +724,13 @@
    // Check & return when the thread group overruns the image size
    "if (nDstX >= iDstWidth || nDstY >= iDstHeight)\n"
        "return (float2)(-99.0, -99.0);\n"
+    "const sampler_t samp =  CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE |\n"
+                            "CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE |\n"
+                            "CLK_FILTER_LINEAR;\n"
+    "float4  fSrcCoords = read_imagef(srcCoords,samp,fDst);\n"

-    "float4  fSrcCoords = read_imagef(srcCoords,\n"
-                                     "CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE |\n"
-                                        "CLK_FILTER_LINEAR,\n"
-                                     "fDst);\n"
    "return (float2)(fSrcCoords.x, fSrcCoords.y);\n"

After solving the compilation error, I'm stuck with  :

0ERROR 1: Error at file gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c line 1391:
ERROR 1: Error at file gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c line 1391: CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE ERROR 1: Error at file gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c line 2292: CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE ERROR 1: Error at file gdalwarpkernel_opencl.c line 1391: CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE
ERROR 1: OpenCL routines reported failure (-40) on line 2570.

The revelant line is :
       //Make a fake image so we don't have a NULL pointer
       (*srcImag) = clCreateImage2D(warper->context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY,
                                    1, 1, sz, NULL, &err);

Any ideas ? Did you try with ATI or NVidia cards ?

I've attached the output of CLInfo if it can help.

Best regards,


Le lundi 06 décembre 2010 15:50:04, Seth Price a écrit :
Over the summer I rewrote the warper to use OpenCL. There was a 2x to
50x speedup. Here is a description of what I did:


On Dec 6, 2010, at 5:10 AM, Konstantin Baumann wrote:

what benefit/improvement would the OpenCL integration bring to GDAL?
Additional functionality or a speedup of existing functions?
Probably only operations on images and/or rasters are supported;
reprojection/warping and filtering would be good candidates, right?
What concrete operations would be supported?


-----Original Message-----
From: gdal-dev-boun...@lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:gdal-dev-boun...@lists.osgeo.org ] On Behalf Of Frank Warmerdam
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 1:43 AM
To: Seth Price
Cc: Philippe Vachon; gdal-dev; Wolf Bergenheim
Subject: [gdal-dev] Re: OpenCL, GRASS, GDAL, and You

On 10-09-23 10:09 AM, Seth Price wrote:
Hey all, I was just wondering if there was any progress in
the OpenCL code into trunk in each project? I haven't heard anything, but it would be a shame to just leave the code sit, or wait until the
code branches have significantly diverged.


Last week I went out and bought a new AMD/ATI machine in the hopes
other goals) that OpenCL would work on it with the ATI OpenCL SDK.
Unfortunately I have discovered that the ATI Radion 4200 HD is not
for OpenCL stuff.  :-(

Nevertheless, with some persistance I was able to build the ATI SDK,
configure GDAL to build against it.  So I have integrated OpenCL
in trunk.  It is not enabled by default, but you can enable it with
--with-opencl directive. If the include files and libraries are in a
non-standard location you can also use the --with-opencl-include and

--with-opencl-lib directives to configure like this:
   --with-opencl \

lnx64/include \

-lOpenCL" \

I ran into a few issues:

1) It seems the include file from ATI is <cl/opencl.h> not <OpenCL/
as it is on the Mac.  I've put a platform dependent ifdef but I
don't now
what the situation will be on other machines.

2) In your get_device() function you were passing NULL in for the
The online docs indicate this as an option but warn that behavior
then is
platform dependent.  The ATI SDK just fails with an invalid platform
So I updated the code to fetch a platform id and use that.

3) On my system it falls back to using the CPU but it turns out the
does not offer "image" support in my case.  I added some extra logic
look for this capability so a better error could be reported.

4) I restructured things a bit so that the OpenCL warper case can
CE_Warning to indicate to the high level warper that OpenCL should be
skipped and other mechanisms used.  That is what it does not if it
to find a suitable device, or some of the other specific checks.

5) I made a few changes to use CPLDebug instead of printf for debug

I haven't tried this yet on your Mac. I avoided using the account you
kindly offered because I find the Mac is often a perverse build
and I didn't want to establish the "norm" based on it.  I might try
it out
tonight though.

I have also not yet tried it on windows, and likely won't in the
near future.
Perhaps someone else will pick up the ball there.  The code itself
depends on having HAVE_OPENCL defined at least in the alg directory
of course appropriate include and link options.

(cc:ed to the list so everyone is aware of the availability).

Best regards,

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