On 10-12-19 02:40 PM, Livneh Yehiyam wrote:
Hi I ran into a problem converting a GeoTiff to a Jpeg200 image, using
gdal_translate and the JP2ECW driver.
I get this from gdalinfo:E:\Data\test>gdalinfo 01122010-1509.jp2
> Driver: JP2ECW/ERMapper JPEG2000
> Files: 01122010-1509.jp2
>        01122010-1509.jp2.aux.xml
I think the problem is that both projectionRef, and GCPProjection are
defined. This causes Global Mapper to fail reading the geo-reference data.

Is it a known problem, or am I doing something wrong?


I haven't run into this before as far as I can recall.  I'm wondering if
global mapper might be reading the .aux.xml and if it has the base SRS
set as well as the GCP stuff.  You might try just removing the .aux.xml
and see if that helps.   If the problem is embedded in the jpeg2000 file
it may be harder to address.

If that is the case you might try one or the other of the following
gdal_translate creation options to suppress writing either the GML or
GeoJP2 georeferencing info to the jp2.

 -co GeoJP2=NO


 -co GMLJP2=NO

I think it would be worth filing a ticket on this issue too.

Good luck,
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