
I'm running into some problems warping to gnomonic projection. I'm trying to 
warp a TIFF in azimuthal-equidistant projection (covering North America, 
including the north pole and centered on 46°N, 95°W) to gnomonic. These are the 
relevant details and coverage of the input TIFF:

Here's what I'm trying:
        gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=gnom +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0" -te -6378137 -6378137 
6378137 6378137 -ts 512 512 NAPHY_r-latlon.tif NAPHY_r-gnom.tif

Here's what I'm seeing:
        ERROR 1: tolerance condition error
        ERROR 1: tolerance condition error
        ERROR 1: tolerance condition error
        ERROR 1: Reprojection failed, err = -20, further errors will be 
supressed on the transform object. 

The output looks to be a black square. I've successfully reprojected this same 
input TIFF to both spherical mercator and latlon, so I tried converting to one 
of those first and then gnomonic second, but still got the same errors. For 
what it's worth, the geographic info for the projected all-black TIFF looks 

I found this from six years ago and tried adding the recommended -wo 
SOURCE_EXTRA=100 -wo SAMPLE_GRID=YES parameters to gdalwarp, but I'm still 
seeing the same tolerance condition errors:

Any ideas?


michal migurski- m...@stamen.com

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