Ok, this is the script made up yesterday:

and an example script which is using it:

The convert_datasource funtion can convert an input datasource from one format to another, and in an optional step do a coordinate transformation from the input srs to another srs.

I did try to make the funtion as pythonic as I am able to do ;-), but I think there are still many improvements to make. Escpecially the transformation part should be factored out into another function I think. I will see what I can do over the weekend and post another, improved version next week.


Am 10.02.2011 20:24, schrieb Even Rouault:
Le jeudi 10 février 2011 09:09:45, Frank Broniewski a écrit :

thank you for your verbose and helpful answer!

Am 09.02.2011 20:24, schrieb Even Rouault:
Several points :

1) The implementation of Layer.GetFeature() is only efficient for just a
few drivers (shapefile). Other drivers will need to sequentially read
from the first feature ... So use GetNextFeature()

Are these informations somewhere documented? I had a look at the docs
here [1],[2], but didn't find anything related. What about iterating
over layers in a datasource, or fields in a feature? Are there similar

Well, the doc for OGRLayer::GetFeature() at
mentions "Use OGRLayer::TestCapability(OLCRandomRead) to establish if this
layer supports efficient random access reading via GetFeature(); however, the
call should always work if the feature exists as a fallback implementation
just scans all the features in the layer looking for the desired feature."

DataSource.GetLayer() and Feature.GetFieldAsXXXX() are efficents since the
datasource maintains a layer array and the feature maintains a field array

2) The real bug is that you don't rewrite the feature to its layer. So
you need to add a target_layer.SetFeature(target_feature)

Ah, Ok, so the link/object relation between the layer and the feature is
lost, once the feature is fetched?

Exactly. Or to be more precise, any update done to the feature is only "in
memory" until the feature is commited back to the layer with

Since most things are done by
reference in Python, this was not obvious to me. Thanks for pointing
this out!

The GDAL Python bindings are known not to be very python'ish. They tend to
make the C/C++ API accessible to Python in the most straighforward way. The
main reason is that we use swig as a facility to have a common API between
Python, Perl, Java and C#.

You should have a look at http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInPython and
particularly the "Gotchas" section.

3) But what you are doing is really what ogr2ogr.py does, although your
approach will be less efficient as you first copy the layer and then
rewrite each of its feature.

Yes, I know. And I had a deep look at the ogr2ogr.py script before
writing to the list, but frankly this is too much for me. It looks more
like a c/c++ script than anything else to me - no functions, no classes,
nothing from the python zen ..

Yes this is "by design" as explained at the beginning of the file. Basically
you can open ogr2ogr.cpp and ogr2ogr.py side by side and see how the C/C++ API
maps to Python.

I really got lost in the middle of the
script :-) but that's just a cause of my insufficient programming skills.

Yes, ogr2ogr code has become more complicated over the time, with the addition
of new options. Hoewever, what you want to do should be doable in ~ 30 lines I

Or, just blindly use ogr2ogr.py and call its main() with the appropriate
arguments ;-)

For best performance, you should rather :
a) create a target layer from scratch
b) copy the feature definition from the source layer to the target layer
c) iterate over the source features, for each source feature, create a
target feature (Feature.SetFrom(other_feature)). reproject the geometry,
assign it to the target feature, and Layer.CreateFeature(target_feature)

Basically a stripped version of ogr2ogr.py

I will make a new version and post it here on the list, so everyone can
have a look and maybe learn something from it


[1] http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html
[2] http://www.gdal.org/ogr/classOGRLayer.html


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