
Can you send your code as a .cpp file as an attachment?
Also, I think you should change the line

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Alexandre Leclerc <>wrote:

> Hello I try to draw a polygon from shapefile on geoconcept.
> But the points that I get are corrupted.
> Strangely a shapefile with no prj, and one ring in WGS84 works.
> Here I try with a prj with lambert 2 extend projection.
> The shapefile contains 2 rings.
> See my code below.
> ifstream Prj;
>            ,ios::in);
> if(Prj.is_open())
>                      {
>                         /*-----------read of PRJ--------------*/
>                         Prj.seekg(0,
> ios::end);
>                         int size =
> Prj.tellg();
>                         Prj.seekg(0,ios::beg);
>                         char *  Buffer = new char[size+1];
>               ,size);
>                         /*---------------------------------------*/
>                         Buffer[size+1]='\0';
>                         OGRSpatialReference oSRS, oSRS2;
>                         OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT;
>                         oSRS.importFromESRI(&Buffer);
>                         oSRS2.SetGeogCS( "My geographic coordinate system",
>                                         "WGS_1984",
>                                         "My WGS84 Spheroid",
>                                         SRS_WGS84_SEMIMAJOR,
>                                         "Greenwich", 0.0,
>                                         "degree",
>                         poCT =
> OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(&oSRS,&oSRS2);
>                         if((poCT == NULL)||(poPoly->transform(poCT)!= 
>          //Convert lambert 2 to WGS84
>                         {
>                          MessageBox(NULL,"Erreur,
> Réessayez","Erreur",MB_ICONERROR);
>                          PRJ = true;
>                          return;
>                         }
>                      }
>                      Prj.close();
> int nparts = poPoly->getNumInteriorRings();
>                    if(nparts==0)
>                       nparts = 1;
>                   for(int
> n=0;n<nparts;n++)                                                           
> //for
> npart…
>                   {
>                      OGRLinearRing *poRing;
>                       if(poPoly->getNumInteriorRings()>0)
>                 //if I understand correctly, through the function
>                         poRing =
> poPoly->getInteriorRing(n);                          //
> OGRGeometryFactory::organizePolygons() of
>                       else
> //SHPReadOGRObject,
> all the outer rings are converted in inner rings
>                         poRing =
> poPoly->getExteriorRing();                            //so if there is
> more rings than 0, there is many interior rings
> //else getInteriorRing(n) should be give the N rings
> //but the function gives one ring with one point which as an incorrect value
>                      const LPXTNPOINT3D tabPoints = new
> XTNPOINT3D[poRing->getNumPoints()];        //Tab of points for draw ring
>                      for(i=0;i<poRing->getNumPoints();i++)
>  // Loop To Assign Points good projection
>                      {
>                         XTNPROJECTIONINFO xtnProjectionInfo =
> XtnStartMapProjection(xtnMapID);        // Creating a
> projection for the coordinates
>                         LPXTNPROJECTION lpxtnProjection = new
> //---------------------------------------------------------------
>                         lpxtnProjection->prLongitude =
> poRing->getX(i)*3.1415926535/180;
> //Longitude point conversion in Projected
>                         lpxtnProjection->prLatitude =
> poRing->getY(i)*3.1415926535/180;
> //Latitude--------------------------------------
>                         XtnProjection_Do(xtnProjectionInfo,
> lpxtnProjection);                                                       
> //Projection
> conversion
>                         XtnProjection_Destroy(xtnProjectionInfo);
>                         tabPoints[i].X
> =((long)((double)(lpxtnProjection->prX * 100.0 + 1.0))) / 100;          
> //Conversion
> long
>                         tabPoints[i].Y
> =((long)((double)(lpxtnProjection->prY * 100.0 + 1.0))) / 100;
>                         tabPoints[i].Z = 0 ;
>                      }
> XtnGeom_SetPoints(MaForme,n,poRing->getNumPoints(),tabPoints);
>  // Insertion Points in the figure
>                    }
> So, can you help me to fix my problem please ?
> Sincerely.
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