On Mar 24, 2011, at 6:47 PM, ext Joaquim Luis wrote:

>> Ah... well actually reading in a .tar or a .tar.gz is now supported (
>> http://gdal.org/cpl__vsi_8h.html#d6dd983338849e7da4eaa88f6458ab64 ). Seems
>> that I have changed my mind since. But seeking will still be very slow of
>> course (especially if you combine with /vsicurl !). Ok, I'm going to rectify
>> the page about that point.
> Even,
> Still one further point on this matter. This works fine with the promised 
> slowness (fair enough)
> gdalinfo 
> /vsitar/vsicurl/http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/w020n90.tar.gz/W020N90.DEM
> but the file name is case dependent. I mean, this doesn't work
> gdalinfo 
> /vsitar/vsicurl/http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/w020n90.tar.gz/w020n90.dem
> I'm not sure what is the right thing to do here but as a Win (and occasional 
> Mac or Linus)  user I guess that I was expecting no case dependency.

"Tough luck"? The world is case dependent. Filenames on Linux (and sometimes on 
Mac) are case
dependent, and HTTP servers are usually case dependent. 

GDAL can not fix the fact that:


is a 404.

-- Chris

> Joaquim
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