I understand all that and even though I'm a win user I always try to be very careful with case names (basically, I avoid upper cases). But while it is easy to see the case of the real file (I know that urls are case sensitive) it's not so easy so clear to know what's inside a compressed file on the internet because if you know it it means one already have it in the local file system. Since is up to gdal to read the contents of the compressed file and get its data (NOT the file itself) it seams to me that there would be no danger in being case insensitive. But this is really a minor point (once you know why it didn't work on the first time), I know.



Still one further point on this matter. This works fine with the
promised slowness (fair enough)


but the file name is case dependent. I mean, this doesn't work


I'm not sure what is the right thing to do here but as a Win (and
occasional Mac or Linus)  user I guess that I was expecting no case
GDAL's behaviour with the case sensitivity in a virtual file path is completely
OS independant.

Actually filenames in archives are case sensitive. I have just made a .tar.gz
with 2 filenames that only differ by their case :

$ tar tvzf aa.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- even/even         2 2011-03-24 23:54 Aa
-rw-r--r-- even/even         3 2011-03-24 23:54 aa

And the same with a zip file :

$ unzip -l aa.zip
Archive:  aa.zip
   Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
         2  2011-03-24 23:54   Aa
         3  2011-03-24 23:54   aa
---------                     -------
         5                     2 files

Admitedly a windows user will not be very happy when he uncompresses those
archives in a "real" filesystem ;-)

I will also note that URLs are also case sensitive.

http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/w020n90.tar.gz is a valid
URL, but http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/gtopo30/global/w020n90.tar.gZ is

So I'm not sure that there's really a point in making the lookup of filenames
inside the archive case insensitive.


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