Hello list,
Does anyone know of a way to set the numeric precision on a 
Geometry.ExportToWKT() call ?   For the SRS, we are using EPSG:4326 (WGS-84) so 
the multipolygon coordinates are in latitude/longitude, and most of the 
coordinate strings seem to carry 15 digits past the decimal point !!   For our 
needs, 7 or 8 digits would be sufficient, so this seems wasteful, especially 
when the string is stored in a database.  I examined the OGR documentation but 
I don't see any variation of ExportToWKT nor any other means of setting the 
numeric precision.

I estimate using 7 digits of precision instead of 15 could reduce total storage 
by about 40%.  I realize I could post-process the string produced by 
ExportToWKT() to reduce all coordinates to the desired precision.  But did I 
miss anything in OGR capabilities ?

BTW we are using GDAL/OGR 1.8.0 with C# bindings.

Jay Jennings
GeoEye, Inc.

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