I've been testing GDAL with Native (.nat) format data from the MSG satellite, 
and have a slight problem.
gdal_translate fails to process the high resolution channel (Band 12, image 
size is variable but for my data 5568x4176).

The .nat files I'm working with only contain the HRV data, not the low res 
channels - but when I run gdalinfo the data I see listed looks like it is for 
the low res channels (image size of 3712x3712 and pixel size of 3km).
It may also be reading the wrong satellite position (0 degrees instead of 9.5E) 
although this may be a problem with the actual .nat file.
gdalinfo also displays an error (ERROR 1: tolerance condition error) for the 
corner coordinates of the image..

Is this a known issue? It would be great if there is a work-around for it.

All the best,

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