On 11-04-15 03:09 PM, edwarddes wrote:
I am trying to clip a dxf to a region, using the following command:
ogr2ogr -f DXF -clipdst $w $e $s $n ./tmp/${BASE}_avg_05_unbuffered.dxf
where w,e,s,n are defined as follows:
echo $w $e $s $n
225000 229000 902000 906000

The data is properly clipped on the north and west side, but on the south
and east side, no clipping takes place.  The source file has extents that
are 100units larger in each direction


From the usage message I see:

  [-clipdst [xmin ymin xmax ymax]|WKT|datasource]

I think you need

  -clipdst $w $s $e $n

That is, you have the arguments in the wrong order.

Best regards,
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