Hi FGDB'ers, just getting started... I'm just trying out ogrinfo under
Linux against various sample data and want to confirm some results...
the file that Michael Smith sent gives me this result:

[pramsey@localhost test-data]$ ogrinfo test_fgdb.gdb
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error opening \base2_some_lines_relationship
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error opening \more_relationships long:-2147220655
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error opening \even_more_rlcs long:-2147220655
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error opening \b_relation_ship long:-2147220655
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Failed at getting table definition for
\another_relationship long:-2147211775
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error initializing OGRLayer for \another_relationship long:0
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Error opening \a_relation_ship long:-2147220655
INFO: Open of `test_fgdb.gdb'
      using driver `FileGDB' successful.
1: basetable_2 (None)
2: basetable (None)
3: base_table1 (None)
4: test_lines (3D Multi Line String)
5: more_test_lines (3D Multi Line String)
6: test_points (3D Point)
7: test_areas (3D Multi Polygon)

I assume the failures are relationships we don't handle yet (or ever
and will need to be silenced).

There is a test file in the FGDB API itself, and it fails to open
entirely, which seems odd,

[pramsey@localhost data]$ ogrinfo ./TestData.gdb
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Failed to open Geodatabase long:-2147467259
ERROR 1: GDB Error: Failed to open Geodatabase long:-2147467259
Unable to open datasource `./TestData.gdb' with the following drivers.

Do other folks have trouble opening the ESRI sample file? The error
code doesn't make much sense, it is supposed to mean "If the path is
seriously in error, say pointing to the wrong drive, a -2147467259
(E_FAIL) error is returned" and relates to the CreateGeodatabase
method, not the OpenGeodatabase method.

Thoughts, ideas?

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