On 11-05-09 08:24 AM, Christy Nieman wrote:

I compiled gdal from trunk last week, and noticed that ogr2ogr keeps converting
UTF-8 strings to LATIN1. The only thing I've been able to find that's remotely
related to this is OGR_EDIGEO_RECODE_TO_UTF8 at the bottom of
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ConfigOptions which appears to be a way to
prevent the opposite of what is happening. Tested with 1.8 and it works as
expected (i.e. UTF-8 string stay in UTF-8).

Has anyone else seen this?


Are you speaking about with shapefiles?  Recently a first effort was made to
apply encoding conversions to and from shapefiles.  There is a configuration
options for the shapefile driver that can be used to override it's concept
of what the encoding of the shapefile is or should be.  If you want to avoid
conversions you should be able to set it to "UTF-8".


ogr2ogr --config SHAPE_ENCODING UTF-8 out.shp in.mif

If it is another driver you are working with then you will need to be

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I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmer...@pobox.com
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