On 11-05-09 10:37 AM, Rodolfo Bonnin wrote:
Hello all,

I'm working with a HDF5 dataset with Gdal 1.8.0, I open it with the
HDF5Image driver.
The image metadata is read OK from what I can see, but when I want to
execute the GetProjectionRef() method, it returns null, even if the
documentation says it wouldn't return any null pointer.

I've traced the null pointer to HDF5ImageDataset::CreateProjections(),
in line 562 it reads

poH5Objects=HDF5FindDatasetObjects( poH5RootGroup,  "Latitude" );
     if( !poH5Objects ) {
        return CE_None;

Since my HDF5 file doesn't have a "Latitude" dataset, the function
returns without setting the pszProjection variable, it remains null
and   is never being set as an empty string, as the GetProjectionRef
consist only in:
const char *HDF5ImageDataset::GetProjectionRef( )

     return pszProjection;  //


I agree, this is a bug.  I have filed a ticket on the issue and applied a
fix in 1.8 and trunk.


Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmer...@pobox.com
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