
You can use the VRT format [1] in GDAL to perform this. The ComplexSource
elements can have an LUT element. It can be used to specify your lookup
table. The values in between are interpolated linearly.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos <>wrote:

> Rapid response for true color has this:
> ;- Rapid Response default enhancement: 0,0, 30,110, 60,160, 120,210,
> 190,240, 255,255
> x = byte([0,  30,  60, 120, 190, 255])
> y = byte([0, 110, 160, 210, 240, 255])
> ;- Rapid Response cloud enhancement: 0,0, 25,90, 55,140, 100,175, 255,255
> if keyword_set(cloud) then begin
>   x = byte([0, 25,  55, 100, 255])
>   y = byte([0, 90, 140, 175, 255])
> endif
> how it can be programmed in gdal language?
> --Nikos
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Brian Case <> wrote:
>> Nikos
>> 143, and 721
>> Brian
>> On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 16:49 -0700, Nikolaos Hatzopoulos wrote:
>> > for modis truecolor images?
>> >
>> > --Nikos
>> >
>> > On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Brian Case <> wrote:
>> >         Jonathan
>> >
>> >         I don't know about worldview, but with modis I wound up using
>> >         multiple
>> >         ranges
>> >
>> >         0:0,750:110,1500:160,3000:210,4750:240,6375:255
>> >
>> >         see <lut>  in the vrt tutorial
>> >
>> >         Brian
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >         On Thu, 2011-06-09 at 12:39 -0700, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
>> >         > Brian:
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > Thanks!  Great solution, definitely saved me some time.  The
>> >         main
>> >         > issue (in terms of doing this entirely within GDAL) is
>> >         getting the
>> >         > right scaling to make the image look good.  I was able to
>> >         figure out
>> >         > the correct scale range within ENVI, and then apply the
>> >         scales as you
>> >         > suggested below.  Nikos' suggestion to use rgb2pct makes me
>> >         wonder if
>> >         > there is some way to figure out the optimal scale (which,
>> >         AFAIK, is
>> >         > part of how rgb2pct is functioning) to apply to this image.
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > Incidentally, what I'm trying to do is load Worldview-2 data
>> >         onto an
>> >         > iPad 2 for use with the GISRoam mobile mapping app.
>> >          Worldview-2 is
>> >         > 16-bit per band, 8 band data, with a very high dynamic range
>> >         (we have
>> >         > snow in our image, so we have lots of VERY bright pixels
>> >         which throw
>> >         > off the adjustment if using -scale without any parameters).
>> >          99%
>> >         > (100%?) of mobile mapping applications need 3-band data,
>> >         usually with
>> >         > only 8 bits per band.
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > Pushing forward, but if someone knows how to figure out an
>> >         optimal set
>> >         > of scale values to use within GDAL, please post the
>> >         solution.
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > --j
>> >         >
>> >         > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 9:45 PM, Brian Case <>
>> >         wrote:
>> >         >         Jonathan
>> >         >
>> >         >         you can do scaling on individual bands.
>> >         >
>> >         >         gdal_translate -b 1 -scale 0 5000 -ot Byte -of VRT
>> >         infile
>> >         >         outfile1.vrt
>> >         >         gdal_translate -b 2 -scale 0 4000 -ot Byte -of VRT
>> >         infile
>> >         >         outfile2.vrt
>> >         >         gdal_translate -b 3 -scale 0 3000 -ot Byte -of VRT
>> >         infile
>> >         >         outfile3.vrt
>> >         >
>> >         >         gdalbuildvrt -separate output.vrt outfile1.vrt
>> >         outfile2.vrt
>> >         >         outfile3.vrt
>> >         >
>> >         >         gdal_translate -of gtiff output.vrt output.tif
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >         for more complicated scaling you may need to hand
>> >         write a vrt
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >         Brian
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >         On Wed, 2011-06-08 at 19:31 -0700, Jonathan
>> >         Greenberg wrote:
>> >         >         > Nikos and GDALers:
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > This is CLOSE to what I'm looking to do, but I'm
>> >         having a
>> >         >         hard time
>> >         >         > getting it working properly.  Here's my input
>> >         dataset
>> >         >         gdalinfo dump:
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > ***
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > Driver: ENVI/ENVI .hdr Labelled
>> >         >         > Files:
>> >         >
>> >         10SEP10191223-M2AS-052377832030_01_P003_ps_gs_bl_tc.envi
>> >         >         >
>> >         >
>> >          10SEP10191223-M2AS-052377832030_01_P003_ps_gs_bl_tc.hdr
>> >         >         > Size is 42255, 51712
>> >         >         > Coordinate System is:
>> >         >         > GEOGCS["WGS 84",
>> >         >         >     DATUM["WGS_1984",
>> >         >         >         SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
>> >         >         >             AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
>> >         >         >         TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
>> >         >         >         AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
>> >         >         >     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
>> >         >         >         AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
>> >         >         >     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,
>> >         >         >         AUTHORITY["EPSG","9108"]],
>> >         >         >     AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
>> >         >         > Origin = (-120.066479999999999,39.271554000000002)
>> >         >         > Pixel Size =
>> >         (0.000004500000005,-0.000004500000005)
>> >         >         > Image Structure Metadata:
>> >         >         >   INTERLEAVE=BAND
>> >         >         > Corner Coordinates:
>> >         >         > Upper Left  (-120.0664800,  39.2715540) (120d
>> >         3'59.33"W,
>> >         >         > 39d16'17.59"N)
>> >         >         > Lower Left  (-120.0664800,  39.0388500) (120d
>> >         3'59.33"W, 39d
>> >         >         > 2'19.86"N)
>> >         >         > Upper Right (-119.8763325,  39.2715540)
>> >         (119d52'34.80"W,
>> >         >         > 39d16'17.59"N)
>> >         >         > Lower Right (-119.8763325,  39.0388500)
>> >         (119d52'34.80"W, 39d
>> >         >         > 2'19.86"N)
>> >         >         > Center      (-119.9714062,  39.1552020)
>> >         (119d58'17.06"W, 39d
>> >         >         > 9'18.73"N)
>> >         >         > Band 1 Block=42255x1 Type=UInt16,
>> >         ColorInterp=Undefined
>> >         >         > Band 2 Block=42255x1 Type=UInt16,
>> >         ColorInterp=Undefined
>> >         >         > Band 3 Block=42255x1 Type=UInt16,
>> >         ColorInterp=Undefined
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > ***
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > I need to end up with a Byte TIF image with good
>> >         color
>> >         >         balance from
>> >         >         > this input.  Running on this dataset
>> >         just
>> >         >         outputted a
>> >         >         > "blank" (grey) image.  Running gdal_translate -of
>> >         GTiff -ot
>> >         >         Byte
>> >         >         > -scale [min] [max] worked somewhat, but its near
>> >         impossible
>> >         >         to get
>> >         >         > this looking right, since the scaling I want to do
>> >         differs
>> >         >         from band
>> >         >         > to band (e.g. if there any way to use -scale to
>> >         adjust each
>> >         >         band
>> >         >         > separately)?  Alternatively, how would I get
>> >
>> >         >         working on the
>> >         >         > above image correctly?  Thanks!
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > --j
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Nikolaos
>> >         Hatzopoulos
>> >         >         > <> wrote:
>> >         >         >         why you don't try rgb2pct
>> >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >         --Nikos Hatzopoulos
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >         On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Jonathan
>> >         Greenberg
>> >         >         >         <> wrote:
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >                 Folks:
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >                 I am using a piece of software
>> >         which is
>> >         >         relying on an
>> >         >         >                 older version of GDAL that doesn't
>> >         have the
>> >         >         "fix" to
>> >         >         >                 deal with > 8 bit geotiffs (it is
>> >         trying to
>> >         >         make a
>> >         >         >                 jpeg overlay but can't from a 16
>> >         bit image.
>> >         >          I think
>> >         >         >                 this is the issue:
>> >         >         >
>> >         >, but
>> >         >         >                 when I do a straight convert (-ot
>> >         Byte) the
>> >         >         output
>> >         >         >                 image looks really washed out.
>> >          Any hints
>> >         >         for getting
>> >         >         >                 the best quality output from a 16
>> >         bit to to
>> >         >         an 8 bit
>> >         >         >                 conversion of a Geotiff?
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >                 --j
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >                 --
>> >         >         >                 Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
>> >         >         >                 Assistant Project Scientist
>> >         >         >                 Center for Spatial Technologies
>> >         and Remote
>> >         >         Sensing
>> >         >         >                 (CSTARS)
>> >         >         >                 Department of Land, Air and Water
>> >         Resources
>> >         >         >                 University of California, Davis
>> >         >         >                 One Shields Avenue
>> >         >         >                 Davis, CA 95616
>> >         >         >                 Phone: 415-763-5476
>> >         >         >                 AIM: jgrn307, MSN:
>> >,
>> >         >         Gchat: jgrn307
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         _______________________________________________
>> >         >         >                 gdal-dev mailing list
>> >         >         >       
>> >         >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > --
>> >         >         > Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
>> >         >         > Assistant Project Scientist
>> >         >         > Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing
>> >         (CSTARS)
>> >         >         > Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
>> >         >         > University of California, Davis
>> >         >         > One Shields Avenue
>> >         >         > Davis, CA 95616
>> >         >         > Phone: 415-763-5476
>> >         >         > AIM: jgrn307, MSN:, Gchat:
>> >         jgrn307
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         > _______________________________________________
>> >         >         > gdal-dev mailing list
>> >         >         >
>> >         >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > --
>> >         > Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
>> >         > Assistant Project Scientist
>> >         > Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS)
>> >         > Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
>> >         > University of California, Davis
>> >         > One Shields Avenue
>> >         > Davis, CA 95616
>> >         > Phone: 415-763-5476
>> >         > AIM: jgrn307, MSN:, Gchat: jgrn307
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >         > _______________________________________________
>> >         > gdal-dev mailing list
>> >         >
>> >         >
>> >
>> >
>> >         _______________________________________________
>> >         gdal-dev mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> _______________________________________________
> gdal-dev mailing list

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Chaitanya kumar CH.
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