On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:38 AM, Duarte Carreira wrote:

> Hello listers.
> So now that OGR connecting is solved by specifying the version name (or maybe 
> by making a readonly connection), I’m stumbling on the same effect when 
> connecting to a raster with gdalinfo or gdal_translate. But there is no 
> option to specify  version or readonly…
> My gdalinfo/translate commands never end… they keep going with 0 cpu…
> This is the same raster that I used when reporting #2063…
> One example command:
> gdal_translate -of vrt 
> SDE:server,5151,database,user,pwd,user.MOSAIC_ORTO_10K_IGEOE,RASTER 
> c:\temp\gdalteste.vrt
> Anyway I can debug this?

set the environment variable CPL_DEBUG=on  This should allow you to watch the 
connection happen and at the very least, see where it is hanging in either the 
SDE connection or query process.

Note that I wrote the SDE driver, but I haven't had a running SDE instance for 
years, and I am in no position to test. sorry.


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