Hello everyone,

Today I am also testing the FileGDB support, and I was surprised to find that a wiki page in GDAL's 'buildhints' section had not been created, to record all of this great testing and discussion....so others don't need to search the mailing list. I have begun the document here, with my Windows notes: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FileGDB

Please anyone that has went through testing already please update that page with your own notes.

(I'd like to see this creating-a-buildhints-page as mandatory for any new format)



Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 11-04-04 12:05 AM, Ragi Burhum wrote:
Hello list,

I am trying to test a new version of the FileGDB driver for OGR, but I
lack enough FileGDBs to test :)
If you have an *ArcGIS 10* FileGDB and would like to test the FileGDB
driver (and report back), feel free to grab a gdal-trunk binary I made
for Windows.

All I want to know is if it works with polygons and lines, so feel free
to test it with those types.

Known issues with build / FileGDB driver

- (driver issue) blobs and date fields are not handled at all
- (driver issue) read-only (for now)
- (build issue) I didn't include geos (means spatial operations will be
bounding-box based)
- (build issue) I didn't include the proj libraries (means a change of
coordinate system will not work)

you can use it like this:

//create kml from FileGDB class
ogr2ogr -f "KML" out2.kml

//create shapefile
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" myshape.shp

You can find the test binaries at


Best Regards,

- Ragi

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