I'm try-ing to merge some tiff4 raster.

The call I'm using (thx Frank and Etienne) is these:

python gdal_merge.py -o ../raster/raster_1.tif -n 0 -ot Byte -pct ../raster/raster_1/*.tif gdal_translate -co NBITS=1 -co COMPRESS=CCITTFAX4 -co TFW=YES ../raster/raster_1.tif ../raster/raster_2.tif

I firstly merge they with gdal_merge.py and after I translate they in a CTTIFF4 1 bit color.

On a little test it work very well.

But when I apply it to all set of raster it give me this memory error.


D:\_fusion_raster_bw\gdal64bit>python gdal_merge.py -o ../raster/livorno0.tif -n
 0 -ot Byte -pct ../raster/livorno/*.tif
0...10Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "gdal_merge.py", line 513, in <module>
  File "gdal_merge.py", line 499, in main
    fi.copy_into( t_fh, band, band, nodata )
  File "gdal_merge.py", line 242, in copy_into
    nodata_arg )
  File "gdal_merge.py", line 62, in raster_copy
    nodata )
  File "gdal_merge.py", line 102, in raster_copy_with_nodata
    to_write = Numeric.choose( nodata_test, (data_src, data_dst) )
File "C:\OSGeo4W\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py", l
ine 170, in choose
    return choose(choices, out=out, mode=mode)


I don't know if this is a know issue or a problem of python configuration.

I'm working on a windows7 64 bit, and I'm using a gdal 64bit version.

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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