OGR_G_* functions are intended to operate on OGRGeometry objects while
OSR* functions operate on OGRSpatialReferences.  Your hSRS object is an
OGRSpatialReference and not suitable to pass to OGR_G_ExportToWkt().

You should use OSRExportToWkt() to translate an OGRSpatialReference into it's
WKT representation.

Best regards,

Thanks Frank.

This is also a result of my attempt to understand all the OGR model plus inventing a way of wrapping it all inside a single StructureArray (the C-MEX API). So let me ask one further question about the model. Is is possible to have the case

Dataset --> SRS
               --> Feature1 --> Geom1 --> SRS1
               --> Feature2 --> Geom2 --> SRS2
               --> ...

that is, different SpatialReferences inside the same Dataset?


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