On 06/09/2011 17:39, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
On 11-09-06 12:54 AM, Schmitz, Uwe wrote:
So if I conclude:
ESRI and GDAL have different WKT formats. It is not
possible to write GeoTIFF files which are fully
ESRI *and* GDAL compatible.


I do not agree with this conclusion! However, it is
difficult to produce a GeoTIFF file that will exactly
preserve and ESRI Project Engine string (ie. ESRI WKT)
while at the same time being fully compatible with all
other software. The issues are primarily around limits
of the GeoTIFF format, and to some extend somewhat
incomplete code implementations in GDAL / ArcGIS.

I would really be interested in such an "ESRI-friendly" GeoTIFF file.

Could it be that in theory it is just difficult to produce such a GeoTIFF (as Frank writes above) whereas in practice and as of today, it is actually impossible (as Uwe wrote)?

;-) Hermann
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