On 16/09/2011 16:49, Paul Ramsey wrote:
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Hermann Peifer<pei...@gmx.eu>  wrote:
Frank, Even, Paul, et al.:
Could it perhaps make sense if the morphToESRI() function paid more
attention to these string identifiers in order to produce even more
"ESRI-friendly" WKT?

Yes, probably we will have to. I wonder how we would go about figuring
out the relevant differences...? In the meanwhile, since you've found
that using the WKID works perhaps in the FGDB driver we can try and
avoid using the WKT at all when we have a WKID available.


Isn't the WKID a numeric identifier, and not the string identifier I was mentioning in my previous mail (?)

My little exercise only showed that with an appropriate string in the WKT (here: "ETRS_1989_LAEA"), the "General function failure" can be avoided when creating out.gdb through the FileGDB driver. It doesn't mean that the string value "ETRS_1989_LAEA" is enough to define a valid spatial reference.

When opening the generated out.gdb in ArcCatalog, I get a "General function failure", "Cannot read SRS..." failure. AFAICT: in order to create a meaningful spatial reference, the complete WKT has to be passed over: morphed string identifiers, morphed projection and parameter names. etc.


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