The workflow with QGIS described by Frank is also working with SAGA GIS. SAGA also allows you to export a permament combination as image file (tif, jpg, png ... including world file and kml) with the 'Export Image' module.


On 02/21/2012 02:14 PM, Frank Broniewski wrote:

the standard procedure for creating topo-maps is to overlay your land
coverage map with a semi-transparent hillshading. I don't know if
there's a tool for combining/adding two raster maps together in gdal,
but this is a rather standard procedure in any GIS. In QGIS, for
example, you can adjust the layer transparency slider to get the effect.

If you want to create a more permament combination of the land coverage
and hillshade, you can use a software like GIMP to combine the two maps.

Mapserver may be able to create a georeferenced version of your
combination also, as does mapnik. The biggest problem is probably to
overcome the alpha-transparency for your hillshading, which is not
something that every raster library is able to handle well.


Am 21.02.2012 11:01, schrieb TJMartin:

I have managed to create a hillshade using gdaldem and I have my original
topographic rasters. However I do not want the standard grey hillshad or
apply a colour ramp.

Is there a way to combine the hillshade and topo map together - ie add a
transparency or opacity to the hillshade.

I have looked at Photopshop and ImageMagik but the results are then not
supported in QGIS etc

After a trawl through the web the only entry is an ArGIS 10 tutorial

Hopefully that will explain what I would like to achieve

thanks for anyones help


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