Hi all

I have a question regarding the gdaladdo tool and NODATA pixels:

When using resampling like "average" it seems that along the border of DATA and NODATA pixels there happens an averaging also of some of the original NODATA pixels (looks like 1-2 pixel width). This way in the overviews they get values higher than 0 (0 is defined as NODATA). Using this type of data in mapserver leads to small black borders when the overviews are taken since the tag
  OFFSITE 0 0 0
does not work anymore for the small border of now only "nearly-black" pixels.

I tried to set the metadata NODATA of the images to 0 for each band but it had no effect. Only when I use resampling "nearest" then every NODATA pixel of the overviews retains the full black 0 0 0.

Is there a way to force to exclude NODATA pixels during the "average" resampling so that they retain their NODATA values?


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