
Actually this seems to be working, which is pretty cool.I think where I am getting confused is that I am attempting to verify the results by loading the resulting raster data into a GIS e.g. ArcGIS or QGIS and doing spot checking.However, as I haven’t done any actual color coding on the classes e.g. making the 1 black and 0’s white, I think I am not able to verify it correctly.If I let ArcGIS do a default classification it does something line 0’s white and 0-1 black.Is there a way to color class this in GDAL python?That would probably be a better approach.



On 2/22/2012 10:01 AM, Chaitanya kumar CH wrote:
Try this Derek,

for r in range(rows1):
    data1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, r, cols1, 1)
    print "data1: " + str(data1)
    data2 = ds2.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, r, cols2, 1)
    print "data2: " + str(data2)
    result_bools = np.logical_and((data1 > 0), (data2 > 0))
    result_ints = np.array(result_bools, dtype=int)
    print "result_ints: " + str(result_ints)
    dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(result_ints, 0, r)
dst_ds = None

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 5:26 PM, jdmorgan < <>> wrote:

    Hi Chaitanya,
    I am using data1[data1>0]=1 to convert any of the values in the
    row of data that is greater than 0 to a one.  I am doing this
    because the values are varied, but I am only interested in the
    fact that there is a value at all.  My end goal is to compare the
two input rasters for places where they have any data (not zero). But, as I mentioned I am certainly stuck somewhere getting results
    that I don't expect.


    On 2/21/2012 11:33 PM, Chaitanya kumar CH wrote:

    Can you explain the following lines towards the bottom of the script?

    On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 8:46 AM, jdmorgan <
    <>> wrote:

        Hello GDAL guru’s,

        I am working on a python script where I read in two rasters
        of similar extent and resolution.Then I re-assign any values
        that are greater that zero to a 1.Next, I compare to the
        rasters and attempt to create a third resulting raster which
        has 1’s everywhere that the two input rasters match
        up.However, my results are not exactly as expected.  The
        third raster only has the values of the second raster. Any
        help would be greatly appreciated.Here is the script as it is


        from osgeo import gdal, osr, gdalconst

        import os, sys, time

        import struct

        import numpy as np



        print 'Raster Source 1------------------'

        ds1 = gdal.Open('C:\Data\TE300by300.img', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

        cols1 = ds1.RasterXSize

        rows1 = ds1.RasterYSize

        bands1 = ds1.RasterCount

        print "Columns: " + str(cols1)

        print "Rows: " + str(rows1)

        print "Bands: " + str(bands1)

        gt1 = ds1.GetGeoTransform()

        width = ds1.RasterXSize

        height = ds1.RasterYSize

        minx = gt1[0]

        print "Left(minx): "+ str(minx)

        miny = gt1[3] + width*gt1[4] + height*gt1[5]

        print "Bottom(miny): "+ str(miny)

        maxx = gt1[0] + width*gt1[1] + height*gt1[2]

        print "Right(maxx): "+ str(maxx)

        maxy = gt1[3]

        print "Top(maxy): "+ str(maxy)

        pixWidth = gt1[1]

        print "Pixel Width " + str(pixWidth)

        pixHeight = gt1[5]

        print "Pixel Height " + str(pixHeight)

        xOrigin = gt1[0]

        yOrigin = gt1[3]

        print 'Raster Source 2------------------'

        ds2 = gdal.Open('C:\Data\LowElev300by300.img', gdal.GA_ReadOnly)

        cols2 = ds2.RasterXSize

        rows2 = ds2.RasterYSize

        bands2 = ds2.RasterCount

        print "Columns: " + str(cols2)

        print "Rows: " + str(rows2)

        print "Bands: " + str(bands2)

        gt2 = ds2.GetGeoTransform()

        width = ds2.RasterXSize

        height = ds2.RasterYSize

        minx = gt2[0]

        print "Left(minx): "+ str(minx)

        miny = gt2[3] + width*gt2[4] + height*gt2[5]

        print "Bottom(miny): "+ str(miny)

        maxx = gt2[0] + width*gt2[1] + height*gt2[2]

        print "Right(maxx): "+ str(maxx)

        maxy = gt2[3]

        print "Top(maxy): "+ str(maxy)

        pixWidth = gt2[1]

        print "Pixel Width " + str(pixWidth)

        pixHeight = gt2[5]

        print "Pixel Height " + str(pixHeight)

        xOrigin = gt2[0]

        yOrigin = gt2[3]

        format = "HFA"

        dst_file = "out.img"

        dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(format)

        dst_ds = dst_driver.Create(dst_file, width, height, 1,
        gdal.GDT_Byte ) #driver.Create( outfile, outwidth, outheight,
        numbands, gdaldatatype)

        empty = np.empty([height, width], np.uint8 )

        srs = osr.SpatialReference()




        #This is a way to go through a given raster band

        #one-by-one as an array by row, getting all of the columns for

        for r in range(rows1):

        data1 = ds1.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, r, cols1, 1)


        print "data1: " + str(data1)

        data2 = ds2.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0, r, cols2, 1)


        print "data2: " + str(data2)

        result_bools = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(data1 != 0,
        data2 != 0), data1 == data2)

        result_ints = np.array(result_bools, dtype=int)

        print "result_ints: " + str(result_ints)

        dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(result_ints, 0, r)

        dst_ds = None



        gdal-dev mailing list <>

-- Best regards,
    Chaitanya kumar CH.

    +91-9494447584 <tel:%2B91-9494447584>
    17.2416N 80.1426E

-- Derek @ NEMAC

Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.

17.2416N 80.1426E

Derek @ NEMAC

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