Jukka Rahkonen <jukka.rahkonen <at> mmmtike.fi> writes:

> Quantum GIS is placing the map that actually has 100 m pixels in a 
> wrong scale into a project. However, I am not sure if this pure
> GDAL error because Spatialite-gis seems to make the same
> error. I can see correct values in the pixel_x_size x and 
> pixel_y_size columns in the corresponding raster metadata tables.

This does feel like a GDAL bug. Multitable database that is created with
rasterlite utilities rasterlite_load and rasterlite_pyramid works OK in QGis. I
opened the metadata table of the 100 m pixel raster as a vector layer and I can
see that the polygons presenting the tiles of the pyramid layers (geometry field
in the table) are too wide. It may be gdaladdo that is making the mess but I am
not sure yet.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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