On 12-04-2012 16:00, Ivan Lucena wrote:
Olá Joaquim,

Sometimes a SVN update bring things that require a complete clean up before we 
can rebuild it again, so you need to run:

nmake -f makefile.vc clean
nmake -f makefile.vc
nmake -f makefile.vc install

Ivan, obrigado but ... I wish it was that simple.
After a good number of rebuilds starting with a no-depencies and incrementally add the old ones I found the culprit. It was the "WEBP" driver, actually one of the few that I didn't build myself but used the "libwebp-0.1.3-windows-x86.zip" downloaded from the web site. I still don't understand how it worked before but removing it from the dependencies solved my problem. So here stays the warning for future victims.

Incidentally while scanning my building options I found a note that may be very well related to the problem recently reported by people who want to use the OpenJpeg driver. My note says that I had to use the preprocessor directive "USE_OPJ_DEPRECATED" for building the OpenJpeg library.

While at this, could I make a small request that VERSION variable in nmake.opt be wrapped in a IFNDEF so that we can optionally set it inside nmake.local? It would be something like

# Version number embedded in DLL name.
VERSION =    19


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