Another alternative is GINA's ( gdal_contrast_stretch:

Usage: gdal_contrast_stretch.exe <src.tif> <dst.tif>
  { { -linear-stretch <target_avg> <target_stddev> } |
    { -percentile-range <from: 0.0-1.0> <to: 0.0-1.0> } |
    { -histeq <target_stddev> } }
  [ -ndv <no_data_val> ]
Input must be either 8-bit or 16-bit.  Output is 8-bit.

I think the input can be any GDAL supported raster type.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser

On 4/24/2012 2:53 AM, wrote:
On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 09:38:44 +0200, Even Rouault wrote:

thanks for the reply, I did try with NBITS=8 and 12 with osgeo4w's gdal
and tamas' nightly build but the output results are incorrect

Here is a sample file (93Mo) :

I'll try to rebuild gdal on my linux box with the internal libs

I haven't looked at your result image, but you cannot just specify NBITS=8 or
12, if the range of the values in the original file is full 16 bits.

You need to rescale the values, otherwise they will get clamped to
[0, 255] or
[0, 4096].

So you can look for the min/max reported by gdalinfo -mm

and then try :

gdal_translate -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" uncompressed_original.tif compressed.tif
-scale min max 0 255 -ot Byte


gdal_translate -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" uncompressed_original.tif compressed.tif
-scale min max 0 4095 -co NBITS=12

Thanks, I didn't knew that !

The man says that you can omit the input min max scale so gdal computes it for each source, however I can't find how to write that correctly
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