
This should work:

ogr2ogr -f gpx test.gpx finland.osm.pbf -sql ^
*More? *"select name,CONCAT(addr_street,'^
*More? *
*More? *',addr_housenumber) as 'desc' from points where amenity='toilets'"

Note that the "More? " part is given by DOS. By giving ^ at the end of line
you are saying that there is more stuff to come. If you simply press
'return' when it prompts for more, it will treat it as a newline char and
ask for more one more time.

DOS treats ^ as a quote character.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Rahkonen Jukka

>  Hi,****
> ** **
> Sorry, I forgot to tell that I am on Windows.  ā€œ$ā€™\nā€™ā€ looks so gurutic
> that I feel jealous. I hope I will never need to teach anybody to use it at
> work, though J****
> ** **
> -Jukka-****
> ** **
> Chaitanya kumar wrote:****
> ** **
> Jukka,
> You can try to pass the newline character directly from the command line.
> With bash, you can use $'\n'. In your case it will be like this:
> ogr2ogr -f gpx test.gpx finland.osm.pbf
> -sql "select name,CONCAT(addr_street,"$'\n'",addr_housenumber)
> as 'desc' from points where amenity='toilets'"****
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Jukka Rahkonen <
> jukka.rahko...@mmmtike.fi> wrote:****
> Hi,
> I was playing with the new OSM driver and tried to transfer some
> POI features into my GPS. It goes well by using GPX format in
> between. However, I have a little problem. My GPS supports multiline
> descriptions but I do not know how to insert newlines into the
> output of ogr2ogr. The following command adds a space character
> between addr_street and addr_housenumber, but is is somehow possible
> to insert newline instead?
> ogr2ogr -f gpx test.gpx finland.osm.pbf
> -sql "select name,CONCAT(addr_street,' ',addr_housenumber)
> as 'desc' from points where amenity='toilets'"
> I made two blind trials as
> CONCAT(addr_street,\n,addr_housenumber) which gives parsing error and
> CONCAT(addr_street,'\n',addr_housenumber) which adds string \n literally.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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> --
> Best regards,
> Chaitanya kumar CH.
> +91-9494447584
> 17.2416N 80.1426E****
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Best regards,
Chaitanya kumar CH.

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