I wish I had an easy answer for you.  I know for MS4W the next release
will contain HDF4 support (only HDF5 support is included at the moment).
 Also, we maintain built steps for HDF at:

That doesn't answer any of your questions, but at least now you know
where the hints live (bookmark this page
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildHints) and you can now add to those
pages as you travel down this (hard) path.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 12-08-28 7:24 AM, David1980 wrote:
> I need GDAL with both Shapefile and HDF4-Support, if possible in 64 bit. 
> Since the normal GDAL-versions from http://www.gisinternals.com/sdk/ have
> Shapefile, but no HDF4 and the version from FWTools
> has HDF4, but no Shapefiles, Im afraid I have to compile a GDAL-version by
> myself.
> The problem is that Im 'just' a geographer with programming skills, but no
> real IT-expert, and Ive never compiled open source by myself,
> so maybe my question is quite simple for you. :)
> First Ive downloaded the source code from
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource. 
> Then I opened makegdal90.vcproj with Visual Studio 2010. It needed to do
> some updates, then it opened.
> If I compile it without changes, I get a GDAL-folder with a new GDAL19.dll. 
> If I try to use this whole folder in my C#-project that works with normal
> GDAL-versions, I get a error.
> But if I only copy the new GDAL19.dll over the old one in the existing
> GDAL(32 bit)-folder it works.
> Is this how it should be or is something going wrong here already ?
> The second step is to switch to 64bit, in nmake.opt I changed the following
> entry:
> # Uncomment the following if you are building for 64-bit windows
> # (x64). You'll need to have PATH, INCLUDE and LIB set up for 64-bit
> # compiles.
> Then I changed the setting of the VS-project to X64 and compiled again.
> It still works as before: I get a new GDAL19.dll that works fine in my old
> GDAL(64 bit)-folder.
> But then I cant do the third step, including HDF4. I found and changed the
> following section in nmake.opt:
> # Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support.
> HDF4_DIR =    C:\HDF
> HDF4_LIB =    /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib Ws2_32.lib
> I tried it maybe 100 times, but it never worked. Sometimes I get a corrupt
> GDAL19.dll, sometimes I get >100 errors when compiling
> and sometimes I get a working GDAL19.dll without HDF4-support. I've read
> almost every Google-hit in English and German I found,
> but it never worked. One problem is that the files mentioned there do not
> exist in the HDF-versions Ive downloaded. I guess, this
> tips were for much older versions of GDAL and HDF4.
> So can anybody give a step by step tutorial "How to compile GDAL with HDF4
> for dummies" ? ;)
> I need to know which HDF4-files I need, where to get them, and what exactly
> I have to write in nmake.opt.
> Or is there a ready to use GDAL-download with HDF4 and Shapefiles somewhere
> ?
> (32 bit would be OK to, that isnt that important)

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