Selon Miro Karpis <>:

> Hi,
> please can you help me with following? I'm trying to find the best way to
> convert dgn/dwg files to vector(svg) and raster(png) formats. In the OGR
> Vector formats table <> is stated
> that dwg and dgn formats are compiled by default.

No, have a look again ;-)

Format Name             Code    Compiled by default
AutoCAD DWG             DWG     No
Microstation DGN        DGN     Yes

> On another side I
> see in AutoCad
> dwg description <> that we need Open
> Design Alliance Teiga library. Does this mean that the Teiga library is
> included in gdal (it just needs to be included during the build)?

Not having experimenting that driver myself, but presumably, you need the Open
Design Alliance Teiga library when compiling GDAL and at runtime too.

> Thank you in advance.
> Regards,
> Miro

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