Jukka Rahkonen <jukka.rahkonen <at> mmmtike.fi> writes:

> I suspect that the reason for the trouble is that this field is a
> 17 character wide VARCHAR2 and I have in the data values like
> "ÖVRE SÖDERGÄRDAN ". Database is using UTF-8 and Ö,Ö and Ä are
> taking more than one byte each. Perhaps OCI driver develops come
> from some ASCII country and did not bother to think about Oracle's
> character and byte semantics throughly. It seems somehow fuzzy for
> me even after reading this article
> http://myorastuff.blogspot.fi/2009/02/character-and-byte-
> semantics-in-oracle.html

I can repeat the error with a minimal one-row test table having a field
and value ÄäÖöÅå

VARCHAR2(6) means the same as VARCHAR2(6 CHAR) but OGR OCI driver thinks 
that it means the same as VARCHAR2(6 BYTE) and that leads to ORA-01406 
error if the character string has more that 6 bytes even it has 6 or less
characters. I will make a ticket about this.

Now, can anybody suggest a handy workaround? I can take the IDs and names
out into a text file and join names with the rest of the data with 
Spatialite or some other tool but I have 14 layers to process, 1.1 million 
rows on each and that would probably be too slow. I do not have rights to 
add a new attribute NAME2 VARCHAR(40 BYTE) into Oracle but perhaps I will 
need to ask DB admin to create that for me.


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