Hello everyone,

I was looking into adding the libKML OGR driver to the ever popular Mac OSX
package manager Homebrew <http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/>. After digging
into why it wasn't building the driver, I realized it was because the
libKML driver depends on version "1.3", which has never been released (it
builds against trunk).

Frank, I noticed you were a committer on that
project<http://code.google.com/p/libkml/people/list> as
well. Is there any way we can do an official libKML1.3 release?
(Understandably, It is hard to convince any package manager to add an
official dependency to a trunk version of a project). If not, does the OGR
libKML use any specific functionality of libKML1.3 that it cannot live


- Ragi
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