GDAL Community,
My application generates a geospatial PDF file from a pre-loaded image source.  
When generating an image, I keep receiving an exception of:
"exception class EInvalidOp with message 'Invalid floating point operation'".  
I am using the respoitory from 11-20-2012.  I am using Borland C compiler (now 
known as Embarcadero Codegear).  
For Borland, I found a solution at that 
quited the Invalid floating point operation, but I still get an exception.
Finally, I built a simple command line program in MSVC 2005 to step through 
GDAL source code to find the exception.
The exception occurs when using DEFLATE compression option.  The output message 
I get is located in trees.c (frmts\zlib) from gen_bitlen(s,desc) function lines 
532-559.  Zlib is used in pdfcreatecopy.cpp Lines 3496-3501 and 3548.  Line 
3548 is where it calls VSIFWriteL().
The output string received is:
"bit length overflow    
code 0 bits 6->7" 
"bit length overflow    
code 6 bits 6->7
code 0 bits 6->7"
The code and bits are not always the same.  For me, it did not matter which 
file I used, it always gave me an overflow notice.
Can anyone or has anyone experienced this issue?  The file still generates but 
my application is halted and a message is presented of the exception.
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