Thanks Hermann, 

Hermann Peifer <> writes:

> The lower left corner coordinates of the SD square are:
> 300 000 metres East
> 400 000 metres North
> So your test coordinate is at (Easting Northing): 380150 402109
> echo "380150 402109" | gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:27700 -t_srs EPSG:4326
> -2.30083027968938 53.5152719980087 48.8662291513756

This led me to understand how to do the transformation based on the
easting northings derived from the OSGB definition and it then gives the
expected result. From [1] I get the explanation of the converstion of
the squares. 

Are you aware of any way to batch process this in Linux to enable swift
conversion of multiple references? 

> Please note that behind the scenes, these datum shift parameters are
> applied: +towgs84=375,-111,431,0,0,0,0 (which might be what you want
> .. or not).

Sorry, I don't know much about cartography and datums, but guess these
are the defaults by gdaltransform? Anyhow, it achieves what I want! :)




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