
I don't know about the gdal routines specifically, but:

1. Re. dem/dtm generally, the most significant factor in interpolation
   results is the quantity (density, really) and quality of the source
   data, not the interpolation algorithm.
2. Re. contours generally, they are cartographic artifacts, not
   geographic features and will never be more accurate than the source
   data (unless you know the data are very "noisy" and ought to be
3. Re. segments vs splines, it depends whether the segment end-points
   are fixed and only their interiors are shifted, or the corners are
   shifted to make them rounded and the interiors fixed. The former is
   much better since the end-points are "primary" interpolations (based
   on data) and the interiors "secondary" (based on primary). Smoothing
   out the contours (either way) will make them cartographically
   pleasing, but the degree of "curviness" should depend on the assumed
   ruggedness of the original terrain (more rugged => less smoothing).

Hoping that helps and that others will comment on the specific gdal routines,

Martin Feuchtwanger  604-254-0361

On 13/02/2013 7:15 PM, nav wrote:
Am creating an app which correctly calculates contours from a DEM file or any
height-map given to it. The correctness of the contour holding the most
importance, since a person viewing the contours shouldn't end up taking
wrong planning decisions and maybe losing their life by the route they
choose after looking at the map.

I have already tried using GDAL 1.7 source code, compiled it and added some
features of my own to it for some other objective. Now I want to
add-to/modify the source to be able to use the contour generation function
of GDAL in C++.

But before proceeding, I wanted to know:
1. If GDAL offers the best free contour generation algorithm available or is
there any other library which I can link to my code and feed my DEM map to
it and receive contour vector lines (or go thru research papers and
implement the contour generation algorithm myself in C++)? If GDAL, then why
is it the best?
2. A generated contour will basically be points connected with straight
lines. Is it more correct for a contour to be depicted with connected
straight lines or will it give a more correct result to use a spline to
smoothen out the lines?

I won't be interpolating any contours or the DEM because I've read on this
website that interpolation leads to incorrect results.

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