"Graeme: Is your tracing technique a new algorithm different from
GDAL_Polygonize ? Is there a C/C++ code I can build or may be an .exe
utility I could use to try out ?"

It is not my technique. Dan's utils were written by some heroic figure known 
only as Dan Stahlke. I have no idea who he is, but I am glad that he exists. :-)

If you run the steps I mentioned in my previous email, you will see that you 
have downloaded a set of C++ files and that they were built into an executable. 
It should be possible to build on Windows, I haven't tried. 

There is more information here, and you can download a zip. 


For what it's worth: a linux server can be rented out for around $3-4 a month. 
If you don't have access to one, it might be a lot cheaper to rent a linux box 
and compile up the code quickly and easily, rather than spending time trying to 
make things work in windows.  lowendbox will give you a list of linux server 
vendors. If you are well funded,  e.g. linode might be a good choice.

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