On 28 November 2013 15:09, Mateusz Loskot <mate...@loskot.net> wrote:

> On 28 November 2013 13:56, Rui L. Pires <rlpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 28 November 2013 11:03, Mateusz Loskot <mate...@loskot.net> wrote:
> >> On 28 November 2013 09:51, Rui L. Pires <rlpi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Would there be any particular reason for not supporting it?
> >>
> >> Point cloud is not a vector, not a raster either? :-)
> >
> > That might be debatable, but it won't be me reopening that discussion.
> > Having said that, if you could assure me that all formats supported in
> > http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_formats.html are vector formats, I would
> have
> > understood your point (of not offering a LAS driver).
> I intentionally put question mark to indicate it's open question for me as
> well.
> The nature of LiDAR data might be confusing and I'm interested to
> learn more about it.
> Dale Lutz said, "point cloud is a badly behaved raster".
> I (used to) say, it's not a vector.
> But I still haven't found clear answer "what is it" really :)

It's interesting you mention LiDAR, but I would like to stick to point
cloud, or point data set if you will.

I was approaching this issue and particularly OGR as a solution for data
conversion and reduction. I am quite fond of the functionality OGRLayer
makes possible in a transparent way, such as reprojection and spatial

But I will have to agree this functionality may already exist elsewhere and
as such there might reduced interest in offering it within the OGR API that
I am so fond of. Fair enough.

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