On 2014-05-06, 10:04 AM, Andrea Peri wrote:
> Hi,
> The IGM (Italian Geography Military) has update the definition of the
> Reference System in the EPSG DB.
> So now there some new codes usable for datasets in Italy:
> epsg::6007, 6008, and so on.
> This codes are also mandatory for the new cartography that will be
> created in Italy.
> So will be useful to have this codes available in the gdal environment.
> The version gdal I'm using (1.10) don't seem to know this codes.
> Before to update to the new gdal 1.11 I like to know if it will support
> a more recent version of epsg-db.
> Thx,

Hello Andrea,

>From the GDAL 1.11 release notes:

 * Upgrade to EPSG 8.2 database


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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