Le dimanche 03 août 2014 00:14:30, Martin Landa a écrit :
> Hi,
> when exporting features to PostGIS layer (python script) I discovered
> that ogc_fid_seq is not updated.
> Eg.
> select last_value from stavebniobjekty_ogc_fid_seq;
>  last_value
> ------------
>           1
> select max(ogc_fid) from stavebniobjekty;
>  max
> ------
>  2572
> Any idea what is missing in my script? Thanks, Martin

Does your script explicitely set the FID before calling CreateFeature() ? If 
so, then the COPY (or INSERT if you use PG_USE_COPY = NO, but both have the 
same effect) will explicitely affect the ogc_fid column of the features, which 
has the effect of not incrementing the sequence.
You likely need to explicitely call setval()

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