Le dimanche 09 novembre 2014 18:28:13, Pekka Sarkola a écrit :
> Hi,
> I might have newbie problem with OGR’s GML driver in Python.
> I try to read GML files with Python script, but won’t get access to
> features. I tried this on Window (ogr version 1.11.1), unfortunately I
> couldn’t check this in other enviroments, yet.
> So my sample testing script result is
> ---
> Loop aita layer...
>  Count of features: 181
> None
> None
> Start Loop...
> End of Loop
> ---
> And sample script is very simple:
> ---
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # -- Start of test script ---
> import sys;
> from osgeo import ogr;
> driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('GML');
> if driver is None:
>   print "Error with driver"
>   sys.exit(1)
> fn = '<your path>/L4131R.xml'
> #fn = '/data/nlsfi/MTK-GML/L34131R.xml'
> datasrc=driver.Open(fn,0);
> if datasrc is None:
>   print "Error opening " + fn;
>   sys.exit(1);
> print "Loop aita layer..."
> myLayer=datasrc.GetLayer("Aita")
> print " Count of features: "+str(myLayer.GetFeatureCount())
> print myLayer.GetNextFeature();
> print myLayer.GetFeature(2);
> print "Start Loop..."
> for feat in myLayer:
>   print "a"
> print "End of Loop"
> # -- End of test script ---
> ---
> GML file is National Land Survey of Finland's special GML. I can access
> with ogrinfo and other command line tools, but not from Python (version
> 2.7.3). You can download sample datasets from Kapsi, example
> http://kartat.kapsi.fi/files/maastotietokanta/kaikki/etrs89/gml/L4/L41/


I cannot reproduce such a behaviour neither on Linux nor on Windows. Are you 
sure that the GDAL Python bindings you use are GDAL 1.11.1 ?


from osgeo import gdal

You could also try with another datasource, like shapefile, etc.. to see if you 
see a similar issue.


> Any help is appreciated. I try to check this also in Ubuntu, but currently
> I don't have working environment for GDAL 1.11.1. So if somebody can test
> this on Ubuntu 14.04 (or any other version above 12.04)
> Rgs,
> Pekka
> --
> Pekka Sarkola
> Gispo Oy
> pekka.sark...@gispo.fi   - GSM +358 40 725 2042
> www.gispo.fi – www.paikkatieto.com
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