
thanks for the tip. The binaries are build against the stable debian. We
will adjust the Dockerfile and republish the binaries soon.



On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 11:21 AM, Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>

> Petr,
> I can see that the libgdal in the Docker image is linked against
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.4
> which happens to be 3.9.6-11. GDAL itself contains a copy of libtiff 4.0.X
> that will get used,
> so you can potentially have a mix of libtiff symbols of different ABI that
> could lead to crashes if an application
> links against libgdal and this external libtiff in the wrong order (this
> isn't a theoretical concern.
> The Orfeo Toolbok folks have suffered from that at a time). This linking
> against system libtiff 3.X
> actually comes from libpodofo AFAICS. To be safe in GDAL and avoid any
> potential symbol clashes,
> you'd better add to the configure options of GDAL :
> "--with-hide-internal-symbols=yes --with-libtiff=internal
> --with-rename-internal-libtiff-symbols"
> That's what the UbuntuGIS packagers do.
> See for example
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntugis-unstable/+files/gdal_1.11.0%2Bdfsg-1%7Eexp2%7Etrusty2.debian.tar.gz
> That doesn't seem to cause problems in that instance, but this is a bit by
> chance...
> Even
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > If you want to use the latest stable GDAL, for example on a newly
> installed
> > Linux machine to do some fast raster data processing with the
> command-line
> > utilities, and you need drivers like MrSID, ECW or Kakadu JPEG2000, you
> may
> > very probably end up compiling everything yourself. It takes time and you
> > need to install a lot of dev packages extra to deploy the working
> > environment.
> >
> > That's why we created a minimal GDAL in Docker container (about 350MB).
> >
> > On any computer with Docker installed (see
> > https://docs.docker.com/installation/#installation) you can download and
> > run any GDAL utility with a single command.
> >
> > For example gdalinfo on yourfile.tif stored in local directory:
> >
> > $ docker run -ti --rm -v $(pwd):/data klokantech/gdal gdalinfo
> yourfile.tif
> >
> > and similar with other GDAL tools. For more details see:
> >
> > https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/klokantech/gdal/
> >
> > and our blog post:
> >
> >
> http://blog.klokantech.com/2015/02/gdal-in-docker-install-run-with-single.h
> > tml
> >
> > This Docker container has been made to simplify distribution of MapTiler
> > Pro, the follower of my GDAL2Tiles, which is now available from
> > http://www.maptiler.com/.
> >
> > Thanks everybody for the great work on GDAL!
> >
> > I hope you find our docker container useful.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Petr
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com

Petr Pridal, Ph.D.
(managing director)

Klokan Technologies GmbH
Hofnerstrasse 96, 6314 Unterageri, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)41 511 26 12
Email: i...@klokantech.com
Web: http://www.klokantech.com/
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