On Mon, 6 Apr 2015 01:56:16 PM you wrote:
> Le lundi 06 avril 2015 13:26:11, Brad Hards a écrit :
> > The problematic part is that "PROJECTION" definition. I was originally
> > going to argue it should be Mercator_1SP, but it looks like the EPSG
> > decided to change it (in EPSG::2010.058) to this new "Mercator_variant_A"
> > form, and keep the "Mercator_1SP" form as an alias.
> > Should we add the new form, with a change like:
> The issue with this is that you only fix the exportToProj4(). But there are
> other places in the code base where SRS_PT_MERCATOR_1SP is tested (for
> example when creating a dataset in other formats). It would be annoying to
> test in all those places both variants. Why not "normalizing" 
> "Mercator_variant_A" into "Mercator_1SP" on ingestion of GeoPackage WKT ?
> This would be a bit similar to all the tricks we do when ingesting ESRI
> WKT.
Do you mean just a test in gpkg/ogrgeopackagedatasource.cpp, or a more general 
normalisation since presumably that will come up in other WKT?

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