Hi List,

To avoid temporary files when warping to VRT and compressing with
gdal_translate, I was playing around with piping gdalwarp VRT output to
gdal_translate but couldn't get it to work on Windows (7) or Linux (Ubuntu
14.04). GDAL version is 1.11.1

The command I used was gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:32611 -of vrt byte.tif
/vsistdout/ | gdal_translate -co compress=lzw  /vsistdin/ byte_wgs84.tif

byte.tif is from the autotest suite -

Windows generates the following error (command was run in cmd.exe):
ERROR 1: Parse error at EOF, not all elements have been closed,
starting with Co

GDALOpen failed - 1
Parse error at EOF, not all elements have been closed,
starting with Co

The linux error is similar with "ColorInte" instead of "Co". Command was run
in default bash shell using gnome terminal.

Redirecting /vsistdout/ to a file and running gdalinfo/gdal_translate on
that file works as expected.

Is there a way to pipe VRT between GDAL utilities?


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