
I can reproduce now. GDAL is 64-bit 2.1-dev from 

1. gdaltransform -s_srs epsg:4326 -t_srs epsg:3067
30 65
641428.429705435 7211811.30748109 0
--wait 5 minutes
31 70
652590.036387019 7770880.82231984 0
--now Ctrl-C and gdaltransform is freezed.

Window has been now open for an hour or so since Ctrl-C and it prints a new 
line at about 10 minutes intervals.

CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!

The previous ..\..\src\H5Pint.c  errors came also after pressing Ctrl-C. Once 
Ctrl-C produced this message:

runtime error R6016
- not enough space for thread data


Even Rouault wrote:

Le samedi 05 septembre 2015 19:47:35, Jukka Rahkonen a écrit :
> Even Rouault <even.rouault <at> spatialys.com> writes:
> > Le samedi 05 septembre 2015 17:39:52, Jukka Rahkonen a écrit :
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > If I run gdaltransform on Windows and keep it idle for some time the
> > > whole command window freezes sometimes so that it does not accept any
> > > input, including Ctrl-C for closing the program. I have known the
> > > behavior for long and just closed the process from task manager.
> > > However, now I saw a new message on my screen which I have not noticed
> > > before.
> > >
> > > CPLMutexHolder: Failed to acquire mutex!
> > >
> > > Unfortunately I can't reprodoce the freeze in a reliable way.
> >
> > Jukka,
> >
> > This sounds rather strange. Most mutex locking attempts in GDAL have a
> timeout
> > of 1000 seconds, so that might explain the "after some time". However I
> > fail to see how waiting for input and mutex relate together. Or there
> > would be a mutex that wouldn't be released. What is your gdaltransform
> > command line ?
> Actually I have the freeze on my computer right now. I did this:
> gdaltransform -s_srs epsg:4326 -t_srs epsg:3067
> 30 65
> 641428.429705435 7211811.30748109 0
> 31 70
> 652590.036387019 7770880.82231984 0
> Then I tried to close the program with Ctrl-C but it did not close. Now it
> does not take any input at all. It may well be that my issue is exactly
> that I can't close gdaltransform with Ctrl-C after idle time and perhaps I
> have seen the same with cs2cs.

I've tried with latest
and can't reproduce (have typed the above 2 entries and waited for more than 
one hour) on Win7.

> In an earlier test I got this print on my screen

after Ctrl-C ?

> , I don't know if it is
> related or not:
> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.14) thread 0:
>   #000: ..\..\src\H5I.c line 1138 in H5Iget_type(): library initialization
> faile d
>     major: Function entry/exit
>     minor: Unable to initialize object
>   #001: ..\..\src\H5.c line 183 in H5_init_library(): unable to initialize
> prope rty list interface
>     major: Function entry/exit
>     minor: Unable to initialize object
>   #002: ..\..\src\H5Pint.c line 405 in H5P_init(): interface initialization
> fail ed
>     major: Function entry/exit
>     minor: Unable to initialize object
>   #003: ..\..\src\H5Pint.c line 468 in H5P_init_interface(): can't register
> prop erties
>     major: Property lists
>     minor: Unable to register new atom
>   #004: ..\..\src\H5Pfapl.c line 241 in H5P_facc_reg_prop(): can't insert
> proper ty into class
>     major: Property lists
>     minor: Unable to insert object
>   #005: ..\..\src\H5Pint.c line 2002 in H5P_register_real(): Can't create
> proper ty
>     major: Property lists
>     minor: Unable to create file
>   #006: ..\..\src\H5Pint.c line 1072 in H5P_create_prop(): memory
> allocation fai led
>     major: Resource unavailable
>     minor: No space available for allocation
>   #007: ..\..\src\H5FD.c line 386 in H5FD_register(): memory allocation
> failed f or file driver class struct
>     major: Resource unavailable
>     minor: No space available for allocation
> FATAL: CPLGetTLSList() failed to allocate TLS list!
> -Jukka-
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